The last project: Roger & Marcy
Roger petit & marcy petit
The last project: Roger & Marcy (la dernière rencontre)
Videos and sounds recording, 13 min 23 sec, 2018,
Roger Petit was the grandfather and the favourite model of artist Marcy Petit. Roger played an important role in the artwork and the world of his granddaughter.
Knowing that her grandpa was about to pass away, Marcy Petit has created one last artwork with him, this was done by recording "before", "during" and "after" his death.
As a silent exchange, the first video shows Roger Petit a few days before his death, answering the last questions of his granddaughter, who intentionally did not record the sound but to capture the simple expression of his face. The second video was recorded in their apartment some time after his death, which shows the artist answering questions that her grandfather had prepared for her, which were remained sealed.
To restore the voice that had been silenced throughout the two protagonists, the artist Marcy Petit has decided to recreate an ante-chronological speech consisting of the sounds, testimonies and noises that have accompanied their lives together during all these years.
The real questions and answers will remain secret, only known by Marcy and his grandfather, as their last secrets.
The visual arrangement on this page is for web visibility. The exhibition could consist of two videos separately projected on white sheets.